at Drudge there was a link to an article entitled, Oberlin
students want to abolish midterms and any grades below C.
I was born too soon. I admit to being four years of goofing off
other than in my major subject. The agitation that would have made
me do even less work would have seen me play my part. Well no, I
would have just enjoyed the fruits of other peoples' labors.
Oberlin (where else?) the little Social Justice Warriors are so tired
from their labors, they want a pass from they are actually there for
because it pales in comparison to the mission of not hanging out with
white people and other important stuff.
desire to be at the opening of any keg or some other diversion meant
that I was not learning something else. Was that a good idea? From
my immediate post college employment prospects, no. Did I miss
anything important? I found philosophy classes interesting, but not
even to make effort and regret that. My brush with sociology is such
that though there were some earnest and honest practioners, it is of
little worth to the society and there are many, many snake oil
salesmen in that non-discipline.
truth of the matter is, yeah I could pull it together to get the C
average, but the school would have been within reason if they had
tossed me out as wasted space.
are the Social Justice kids doing something so vital that grades
should not be awarded for the successful completion of the course of
study. The young lady or young man may be doing important work
that is so, why go to college at all if it means so little?
has got to be somewhere else they can be coddled so they can get on
with the real work of societal improvement.