Not making a difference since 2006. Blog motto: Always be sincere whether you mean it or not.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A speech for the ages, The Dark Ages

Hilary's vapid promise of everything for everybody is still reaping the plaudits of the msm and will be pilloried by talk radio today. I want to discuss what is, in our nation ancient history, the night before.

Ted Kennedy appeared before the faithful and gave maybe his last speech. I have dealt with the man and his illness before and see no need to here. Suffice it to say, the man could not put two words together on his own and has always been the creature of his staff.

The other night, he was ill served. Granted, I did not pay attention, the radio was background noise. What jarred me were the words, "To change America, to restore its future."

The lad or lass who wrote those words no doubt had a lot of high priced schooling. His mom and dad should get there money back. A future cannot be restored.

FDR said he never aimed a speech higher than the level of a thirteen year old. Aim high was not the motto the other night.

You never hear something like, "We are called to leave alone those who want to be left alone." Pity.


Black Sea said...

Reminds me of the evening, years ago, when I was watching the McNeil Lehrer News Hour. As per their usual format, they had four journalists from various regions of the country on satellite hook up, and were analyzing a speech by then House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Somewhere, in the midst of all Gingrich's Brave New Worldish fantasies, he made reference to "changing the fate of America."

Journalist number one, in response, simply blathered on about Gingrich's ideas, and initiatives, his role as antagonist to the Clinton White House, and so forth. Journalist number two did much the same. Journalist Three, a woman from Texas, not Molly Ivins, but I can't remember who, said simply, "You can't change fate."

"Excuse me?" asked a bewildered McNeil or Lehrer.

"You can't change fate," she repeated slowly, as if to a rather dim high school class. "If you can change it, then it's not fate."

Maybe she said more, but that's all I remember of her commentary.
An elegant moment, and all too rare.

Richard said...

Good point. I'd like to know who that women was/is.

America, a place where English is spoken but not understood.

I'd wager, the advanced English learners where you live have a better understanding of the language than our countrymen here.